confituras family spotlight.


photo by casey woods photography.

how many times have we written the above statement without mentioning to you how wonderful this casey woods is – she is our creative director, photographer, and dear friend. she enthusiastically assisted confituras with creating our original labels and maintaining them for over 4 years, took every single decent photo we’ve ever published (the indecent ones are iphone on-the-fly photos by yours truly), and has been part of the confituras cheerleader/support system since the beginning of our little jam company in 2010. in other words, she makes us look very good! we thank you, casey, from the bottom of our hearts.

you can check out more of her work here.



we are lucky. here at the jam factory we try to be grateful and appreciate all that we have everyday. at times we struggle but some days it is so very easy – to look outside at the budding peach trees lining lady bird lake, to take the long way home on winding lamar boulevard with the windows open, to look down and see the possibilities in a dandelion flower. mother nature is a daily gift we can receive only if we pay attention. this time of year our area is abundant with harbingers heralding the coming of spring – taking notice is all that’s needed.

sweets for my sweet, sugar for my honey!


it’s that time of year again – time to start thinking about showing all the sweeties in your life how much you love ’em with jam! satisfy that sweet tooth of yours (and of your sweetums) by scooping up the last of our limited edition valentine  jam – they are sure to please!

we’re talkin’ cutie pie nieces, papas, favorite aunts, significant others, and yo mama! we will be offering several limited editions for the holiday so be sure to get ’em while the gettin’s good. we’ll be around town at the SFC downtown and sunset valley markets this Saturday and next, as well as the Austin Flea this Sunday at the Highball from 11-5 with all of your sweet needs. and if your loved ones are far away, check out our online shop – if you order by Monday, it’ll arrive in plenty of time to shower them with love.